Credit Where It's Due: Prison Going To Extraordinary Lengths To Make Sure That Bitch Ghislaine Maxwell Isn't Murdered In Her Cell

Ghislaine Maxwell has two cameras trained on her in her 9ft by 6ft prison cell and is woken up every three hours and searched to ensure she does not meet the same fate as Jeffrey Epstein.--Daily Mail

Live look at the entire world when reading that sentence in the Daily Mail

I have been disturbed a little bit that this story of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell running an international sex trafficking ring for the rich and powerful all over the world has been pushed out of the headlines. I don't blame anyone for that necessarily because of ya know…the whole global pandemic, civil unrest, and election year coverage. It's been scandal after scandal and tragedy after tragedy for all of 2020. This year has been a never ending conveyer belt of bad news and we are all like Lucy just trying to keep up and move on

I would've bet good money that Ghislaine would've accidentally(wink wink) died in prison during all the chaos of this year. Could've done it on a Friday and by Monday when a murder hornet nest was found under Hunter Biden's laptop during a wild fire caused by a cat 5 hurricane we all would've ignored it and we'd never has a chance at the truth or justice for the victims. So credit to the people in charge who appear to be doing everything in their power to keep this bitch alive. Two cameras are better than one, routine checks on her cell are better than falling asleep on the job while internet shopping so an assassin could walk in and kill her and make it look like some bullshit suicide…for example. I am sure if more things come out, which it seems like more is coming out every day, we will circle back and do a dog walk episode on it. For now though it's nice to see that people are at least making an effort to do the right thing. 

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